Executive Coaching and Counseling for Professionals and Their Families


Here a few of my essays relevant to the work that I do.

Focus on your Strengths: Your unique style.

It's your strengths that are going to get you from Here to There. That's why I gather information about your achievements, ever since childhood, especially those that were fun, of which you are proud.

The result is a profile of your unique style of doing things ... how you made decisions and the way you worked when you were at peak performance.

Once you have that profile it is a prism through which you can look to make decisions about present and future opportunities and challenges. If they do not include your list of personal style traits then it might be a good idea to forego an opportunity or not take up a challenge.

What do I mean by your unique style? Think of it as having your colors done. Once you know what colors look good with your specific hair, skin, eyes, the decision making process for buying clothes is immensely simplified and the savings on shopping mistakes can be significant.

A lot of counselors/coaches, teachers, mentors, and therapists focus on what's wrong. Why are you procrastinating? Why don't you manage anger better ... communicate more effectively ... parent more wisely? That's working with your deficits. "Why?" is not a productive question.

Action questions that can change behavior are better: What can you do to avoid self-defeating behaviors like procrastinating, blowing up? ... How can you improve your communication, parenting? How did you succeed at similar challenges in the past? (Your success skills are in your memory bank.)

Alan Saldich